Laurelin and I have devised a plan (that needs some revising since the plan was originally scheduled to begin this week) for how I'm going to get back on track. I've missed a decent sized chunk of training and I've got 20 miles to run in a few weeks and 26.2 miles to run in less than 8 weeks!!!
That's my running update. I promise it will get more interesting very, very soon.
In other news...
Our trivia event raised $765.00 for Boston Partners, which Kelly, Todd, Erin and myself split four ways for $191.25 toward our individual fundraising goals.
A big thanks to Crossroads Pub for hosting us (and donating a $50 gift card) and to The Capital Grille, Picco, Flour, 606 Congress, and B.Good for generously donating prizes. Last but not least to Bob and Gary for being our awesome trivia masters (can't get enough of them, they host trivia at Comicazi!)
Currently, I have raised $2,246.80. That's $253.20 away from 50% of my $5,000 goal. I know it's a lofty goal, but it would be amazing to reach. Let's get there! Less than 8 weeks until the marathon. If you haven't donated yet, make my day!!!
Thank you thank you thank you to...
ALL the folks who joined us for trivia last Friday. You rock!
And also to...
Tom Hutchings, Team Schnaible, Uncle Steve & Aunt Ayako, Grandma Barb, and Gretchen Anderson for your donations! THANK YOU! I'm grateful for you financial support!
I'm also incredibly grateful for all of the encouragement I've received from my teammates, coworkers, friends and family the past few weeks. It's been really tough to stay positive and not be overwhelmingly envious of my teammates exhaustion and suffering (i.e. training).
You can do it! You WILL raise your goal and you WILL be back to with the rest of us very soon!
Jessica, you rock! You are so much more hard core than I could ever be. I am so proud of you for knowing your limits and listending to your body, that will serve you well in the long run!
And way to go on your fundraising! Enjoy your poker tournament tonight!
Thanks guys!!!!!!
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