To be comfortable at 40, 30, 20, even 10 degrees you have to get some winter gear. Below are photos of some sweet gear that fellow runners wear to stay warm in the cold temperatures.
This is Kelly. She is also running the marathon on behalf of Boston Partners in Education. Underneath the top layer (jacket with a zipper -- zipper is key) is a hooded Under Armour long sleeve with a hole for her pony tail. If that isn't ridiculously cool, I don't know what is. Seriously.
On Tricia, a fellow runner and floor-mate (not to mention former Boston Marathoner) we have the mitten sleeve. I don't know if this is the "technical" term for this piece of outdoor running gear, but it seems to do the trick. Yes, you could just wear gloves or mittens, but what happens when your hands get hot? What do you do with your gloves? What if you are pocketless? In this situation, there are no worries.
Some gear that I don't have photos of that I'd like to try:
- Long underwear made of silk (suggested by the one and only, Aunt Shelley)
- A pair of gloves like Erin's - they have a soft patch on the side, so if you have to wipe your nose and you don't have tissue it doesn't tear your skin to shreds.
- A neck warmer (although I feel like I would get really sick of this really fast)
This is me dressed for the coooooolllllddddd weather and wearing my awesome new contraption.
If you have any running gear that you love and you think that I must have, please let me know!
And, last but not least... a big thank you to Francesca and James for their donation! You guys rock!
1 comment:
I love the illustration! If we go to City Sports you can probably check out a pair of my gloves.
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