Today was our first Marathon team meeting. It was really wonderful to meet everyone who will be running for BPE. I'm sure we'll all get to know each other very well over the next 5.5 months! It was too bad Laur is in KC. :( BUT - the good news, she ran a half marathon today in 2:00! Awesome!
Monday is our first official day of Marathon training. I'm glad that we had our meeting before the first week of training... there have been days that I've woken up (already) and not been sure if I could handle my daily run or days that I look at the $5,000 fundraising goal and ask myself what the hell I was thinking. That is why the meeting we had today was absolutely perfect timing. Our Coach, Rick Muhr (one of the top running coaches in the
country, people) gave us quite the pep talk. Being in a room with such caring and dedicated individuals was exactly what I needed. I'm very excited and inspired, once again.
On a side note, I'd like to mention that on a quick 3 mile run this week I ran to Copely Square to head to the gym. If you don't know, the Boston Marathon finishes on Boylston Street in Copely Square (between Exeter and Dartmouth). Even on a normal day after a very short run that finish line was an awesome site.

There it is!
Wish me luck on my first 2 miles of (official) training this Monday!